Farm Emergency with emergency medical response on the ground and in the air DWP©14
This photo is for a rescue service which provides air transportation for critically injured patients from remote locations to major trauma centers. It is completely contrived with seeming injuries to an ATV rider on a farm. With the local help of first responders it quickly took on a real appearance with props and great actors. […]
A Grand Exit by a Sport’s Hero DWP©18
After having photographed Mr Palmer for several assignments and watching him move around golf tournaments I knew he would likely walk off the stage and someone would yell “You da’ man” which he would then turn and respond by his popular wave. Anticipating this I considered how to include the adoration of the crowd and […]
St. Louis County Soccer Complex Bid
St. Louis Soccer Complex Bid The challenge was how to capture an image that gave you sense of the magnitude of the fields with the quality of the playing environment that would be inviting.